Letters of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation Request Forms - click here

For Letter Writers:  Guidelines for Writing Letters of Recommendation


Click on the name of the appropriate form below to download the release form document to your desktop. Once completed/signed, please email the release form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Then click on the QuikPay link next to the appropriate release form to submit payment.

Before doing so, please log onto HPO Student Portal to confirm that you have a file and that all expected letters have been received.  All release form processing fees can be paid via QuikPAY through the above links.  We cannot process refunds for payments that have been made in error.



Has the school to which you applied asked for official documentation regarding your one semester biology or chemistry lab?  If so, please find the appropriate letter below for you to include with your application.

If the school to which you are applying has asked about your 2nd English class and you are registered with the HPO, send us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with your full name, RUID#, and the class name and number which you feel satisfies your 2nd English requirement.  As soon as we are able to verify that the class appears on your schools English requirement list, we will provide you a letter officially verifying completion of a 2nd English class.  It is important that you include the course title/number because the HPO administrative staff are not in a position to guess which classes satisfy that requirement.  If you need help identifying a class, you should make an appointment to meet with an advisor or a dean.