HPO Events

WELCOME BACK Virtual Afternoon "Walk-In" Advising Hours
Monday, September 11, 2023, 02:00pm - 03:30pm

We will be having Virtual "Walk-in" Advising hours with the HPO Advisors via Zoom.

HPO Advisors will be available from 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Just click on the Zoom link below and once Zoom is launched you will be placed in a waiting room.  Once the advisor has finished with the student before you, they will initiate their Zoom meeting with you.  Please be patient as you wait your turn.  And please come prepared with your questions.

Zoom link:  https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/92461094904?pwd=RG5TK1ptNjZIVTJqc0w2QWwvZ0IwUT09

Password (if needed):  153563